Ms Charlotte Tompkins

Nationality: United Kingdom

Year: 2007

Subject Area: Social Sciences

For the last six years I have worked in research in the NHS. I registered on a part time PhD in November 2005 when I recognised that I needed a PhD for my personal and professional development and for my career to progress. The research explores the impact of imprisonment on injecting drug use behaviours. Men who were injecting class A drugs at the time of their admission to prison, who have served time in prison and since been released are the focus of the work. Good progress has been made with the study since registering. I successfully applied for a Wingate Scholarship in 2007 to help me achieve this career goal. The Scholarship will contribute to the fees and will part cover the costs of conducting the research. It will significantly contribute to my progression with the work by freeing up some of my work time to be able to concentrate on the PhD.