Mr Rodger Brown

Nationality: United Kingdom

Year: 1989

Subject Area: Arts and Humanities

The Wingate Scholarship allowed me a period of time to develop a body of visual work investigating perceptions of landscape and the passage of time, through the medium of sculpture and photography. During this time I was completing an MA in Fine Art at Nottingham Polytechnic. Most importantly the scholarship provided me with the freedom to question my own practice as an artist and to re-focus and develop a substantial body of work, which addressed ideas to do with the relationship between nature and culture.

Since then I have continued to develop my own practice as an artist using sculpture, installation and photography. This has led to post-graduate study in the history of art and design at Manchester Metropolitan University and inclusion in a wide variety of exhibitions in this country and abroad. I am a member of the Research Group for Artists’ Publications and teach in the School of Art and Design at the University of Derby.