Ms Patricia Craig

Nationality: United Kingdom

Year: 2002

Subject Area: Arts and Humanities

The book which resulted from my award of a Wingate Scholarship was published by Blackstaff Press under the title ASKING FOR TROUBLE: The Story of an Escapade with Disproportionate Consequences, in October 2007.
It is a memoir, set in Donegal and Belfast in the 1950/60s and it was very well received - glowing reviews in the TLS, Spectator, IOS, Oldie, Irish Times, etc. - and especially a lot of local interest was aroused. It has been reprinted with lots of good quotes!

The Wingate Foundation is, of course, acknowledged. The book would not have come into existence otherwise and I am really grateful.

A long extract from the book appeared in an issue of Irish Pages in 2007 - one reason why a publisher developed an interest in it.