Doctor Anthony Grenville

Nationality: United Kingdom

Year: 2005

Subject Area: Arts and Humanities

As I was awarded my Wingate Scholarship very recently (2005/06), my circumstances have not changed greatly. However, the Scholarship made it possible for me to finish my book, 'Aliens' and After: A History of the Jewish Refugees from the German-speaking Lands in Britain after 1933, the first history ever to be written about this group of people. It will fill an important gap in Jewish, British and European history of the Nazi period and the Holocaust. I am now engaged in finding a publisher.

In January 2006 I was appointed editor of the monthly journal of the Association of Jewish Refugees, which has represented the Jewish refugees from Hitler in Britain since 1941. This is a considerable honour for me, the son of Jewish refugees from Vienna, made possible by the research that I have been doing, including that financed by the Scholarship.